Wednesday, June 27

Amare? Seriuosly?

I feel the need to comment immediately on this article by Adrian Wojnarowski at Yahoo Sports:
The #3, #11, Dr. Z and Anthony Johnson for Amare Stoudemire? Would you do it? Amare's value might be overblown due to playing with Steve Nash, but he is an undeniable talent. Did I mention he's 24 and his paycheck is in the Joe Johnson range, not the Kevin Garnett range? Honestly it's a fair trade, I don't think anybody loses, but I think Conley/Anybody or Horford/Law would make the team as good as they would be if they pulled the trigger on this trade.

BUT. And this is a big but... this makes the Hawks 4 million times more enjoyable. Amare is the kind of guy I have been saying could lead this franchise to bringing in more fans. He is genuinely exciting, and Phillips Arena went nuts when he dunked the shorts off Josh 2 last year when the Suns came to town. It's like the Vick factor for the Falcons, except that we don't know if Amare owns rape stands for his underground dogfighting business. I'll be disappointed in any situation that doesn't allow me to support my Irish brother, Conley, but that Amare trade made me raise my eyebrows. That's serious. The Hawks could do a much better job of recruiting free agents knowing they can team up with Kid Dy-No-Mite (JJ) and Hellboy (Stoudemire)

However, what made me sick to my stomach was this:
Yahoo! Sports has learned that the trade would also save the Hawks from an emerging showdown between the front office and coaching staff over whom to draft with the third pick. The front office and coaching staff had settled on Florida power forward Al Horford, but a faction of the Atlanta Spirit ownership group, with business interests in China, is pushing them to take Yi Jianlian.
Are you freaking kidding me? All of a sudden Steve Belkin owning the Hawks sounds pretty good. The mere fact that this is completely believable shows what a messed up situation the Hawks are in. If Amare wants to come here, bless him.


Anonymous Adam said... Atlanta Hawks blog, didn't even know one existed. Either way, great job. Keep up the good work. I will certainly keep reading. But please god don't let the retarded spirit twist the arm of an already moronic Billy Knight into taking Yi. Billy and Belkin would have to go, immediately. However Yi does look good posting up a 5'9" white guy.

10:33 AM  

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